IGNOU DECE-1 Solved assignment 2023 Are you an IGNOU student pursuing the Bachelor’s degree  DECE-1 and finding yourself overwhelmed with the challenging assignments? Worry not, because we have got you covered! Introducing our latest offering: the IGNOU DECE-1 Solved assignment 2023!

IGNOU DECE-1 Solved assignment 2023


Additionally, we understand the significance of timely submission in IGNOU’s academic environment. With our IGNOU DECE-1 Solved assignment 2023, you can bid farewell to last-minute rush and stress. We provide you with a ready-to-submit assignment that saves you precious time and ensures you meet the deadline with confidence.


All Three Sections – A, B and C of this assignment are compulsory.


Answer all questions of Section A. 60 Marks

  1. (a) Explain the cephalo-caudal and proximo-distal directions of development.

(b) What are the motor abilities of a child in the age group of birth to 1 year of age?

(300 words each; 4+4=8 marks)

  1. Describe one activity each for fostering the development of the following abilities in four

year old children.

(a) Pre-reading skills

(b) Creativity

(c) Fine motor skills (300 words per activity; 3×3=9 marks)

For each activity, mention its goals, material(s) required, if any and procedure to carry

out the activity.

  1. (a) What are the language abilities of a child between 3-6years of age?

(b)What are the factors that influences language development?

(300 words each; 3+3=6 marks)

  1. Discuss any two methods of reaching out to parents to involve them in the activities of

the child care centre. (500 words; 5 marks)

  1. (a) List out the five stages in planning a curriculum?

(b) What are long term and the short term goals? (500 words; 2+5=7 marks)

  1. Discuss any three causes of aggression among young children? Explain three strategies

using which parents can socialize/handle the child’s aggressive behaviour.

(500 words; 5 marks)

  1. What points will you keep in mind while evaluating space and play materials in an ECCE

Centre? Make a checklist to support your answer. (500 words; 5 marks)

  1. Write about each of the following in about 200 words each.

(a) Altruism and Empathy

(b) Points to keep in mind while evaluating indoor space of a child care centre

(c) Any one method for evaluating children’s progress

(d) Critical Periods in development

(e) Capabilities of a newborn (3×5=15 marks)


20 Marks

In this Section you have to do any one of the Practical Exercises related to observing children.

Choose any exercise out of Exercises 4, 6 and 7 described in the Practical Manual of this Course

i.e., DECE-1 and submit it to the counselor for evaluation.

It would be useful for you if you were to do all the three exercises. This would give you practice

in observing children, recording your observations and interpreting them. You can then choose

the exercise which you feel you have done the best and submit it for evaluation.

The marking instructions for the exercises are as follows

Exercise 4 Total marks:


Break-up of marks:

Observing the child and the parents and recording the observations 10

Analysis of observations and conclusions 10

Exercise 6 Total marks:


Break-up of marks:

Observing the child and recording the observations 10

Analysis of observations and conclusions 10

Exercise 7 Total marks:


Break-up of marks:

Carrying out activities related to matching and conservation and recording observations 5+5

Analysis of observations and conclusions related to matching and conservation 5+5


20 Marks

In this Section you have to do any one of the Practical Exercises related to planning play

activities for children and conducting them. These are Practical Exercise numbers 5, 8 and 9,

described in the Practical Manual of this course i.e., DECE-1. Choose any one of the exercises

and submit it to the counselor for evaluation.

It would be useful for you if you were to do all the three exercises. This would give you practice

in planning and organizing play activities. You can then choose the exercise which you feel you

have done the best and submit it for evaluation.

The marking instructions for the exercises are as follows:

Exercise 5 Total marks: 20

Break-up of marks:

Playing with the infant with the toy that has been made, and recording the observations 10

Evaluating the play activity and writing the conclusions 10

Exercise 8 Total marks: 20

Break-up of marks:

Planning the two activities 5+5

Carrying out the two activities and analyzing and evaluating them 5+5

Exercise 9 Total marks: 20

Break-up of marks:

Describing the festival 2

Suggesting re-organization of the room 6

Scheduling activities over a week 6

Brief description of scheduled activities 6

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