IGNOU BAG 2nd Year Previous Year Question Paper Solved Download PDF

Are you preparing for your upcoming IGNOU BAG Course? Don’t let uncertainty hold you back! Gain a competitive edge with our comprehensive collection of IGNOU BAG 2nd Year Previous Year Question Paper Solved.Our meticulously crafted solutions provide you with the perfect roadmap to success. We have analyzed and decoded each question, enabling you to understand the exam pattern, identify key concepts, and boost your confidence. With our solved papers, you’ll gain valuable insights into the marking scheme and learn effective time management strategies.

IGNOU BAG Previous Year Question Paper Solved

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Ability / Skill Enhancement Courses (English)

BEGLA-137Language Through LiteratureDownload
BEGLA-138Reading & Speaking SkillsDownload 
BANS-183Tourism AnthropologyDownload
BANS-184Public Health And EpidemiologyDownload 
BCOS-183Computer Application In BusinessDownload 
BECS 184Data AnalysisDownload
BEGS-183Writing And Study SkillsDownload
BPAS-184Logistics ManagementDownload
BPCS-183Emotional IntelligenceDownload 
BPCS-184School PsychologyDownload
BSOS-184Techniques Of Ethnographic Film MakingDownload

Ability / Skill Enhancement Courses (Hindi)

BANS-183पर्यटन मानवविज्ञानDownload
BANS-184सार्वजनिक स्वास्थ्य और
महामारी विज्ञान
BCOS-183ब्यापार में कंप्यूटर का
BECS-184डेटा विश्लेषणDownload
BPAS-184संभारण प्रबंधनDownload 
BPCS-183सांवेगिक बुद्धिDownload 
BPCS-184विद्यालय मनोविज्ञानDownload 
BSOS-184नृवंशविज्ञान फिल्‍ बनाने
के तरीके
BHDS-183अनुवाद: सिद्धांत और प्रविधिDownload 
BHDS-184रेडियो लेखनDownload


BHDLA-137संप्रेषण कौशलDownload 
BHDLA-138हिंदी साहित्य: विविध विधाएँDownload 

Generic Elective Courses (English)

BEGG-173Academic Writing And CompositionDownload
BEGG-174Creative WritingDownload 
BPAG-174Sustainable DevelopmentDownload 
BPCG-173Psychology For Health And WellbeingDownload 
BPCG-174Psychology And MediaDownload 
BSOG-173Rethinking DevelopmentDownload 

Generic Elective Courses (Hindi)

BHDG-173 समाचार पत्र और फीचर लेखन
BPAG-174सतत विकासDownload 
BPCG-173स्वास्थ्य और कल्याण के
लिए मनोविज्ञान
BPCG-174मनोविज्ञान और मीडियाDownload 
BSOG-173विकास पुनर्चिंतनDownload 
BSKG-173आधार संस्कृत

Anthropology: BAG Core Courses (English)

BANC-133Fundamentals of Social and Cultural AnthropologyDownload 
BANC-134Fundamentals of Archaeological AnthropologyDownload 

Anthropology: BAG Core Courses Hindi Medium

BANC-133सामाजिक एवं सांस्कृतिक
 मानवविज्ञान के मूल तत्व
BANC-134पुरातात्विक मानवविज्ञान
 के मूलतत्व

Economics: Discipline-Specific Courses(English)

BECC-133Principles of Macroeconomics-IDownload
BECC-134Principles of Macroeconomics-IIDownload

Economics: Discipline-Specific Courses HINDI MEDIUM

BECC-133समष्टि अर्थशास्त्र के सिद्धांत – IDownload
BECC-134समष्टि अर्थशास्त्र के सिद्धांत – IIDownload

English Discipline: BAG Core Courses(English)

BEGC-133British LiteratureDownload 
BEGC-134Reading The NovelDownload 


BEGE – 107Understanding DramaDownload 

Hindi Discipline: BAG Courses

BHDC-133आधुनिक हिन्दी कविताDownload 
BHDC-134हिंदी गद्य साहित्यDownload 

 History: BAG Courses(English)

BHIC-133History of India from c.1206 to 1707Download 
BHIC-134History of India from c. 1707 to 1950Download


BHIC-133भारत का इतिहासः C. 1206-1707Download 
BHIC-134भारत का इतिहासः 1705-1950Download 

 Mathematics: BAG Courses (English)

BMTC-133Real AnalysisDownloadDownload


BMTC-133वास्तविक विष्लेषणDownload

Political Science: BAG Courses (English)

BPSC-133Comparative Government and PoliticsDownload 
BPSC-134Introduction to International RelationsDownload 


BPSC-133तुलनात्मक सरकार और
BPSC-134अर्न्तराष्ट्रीय संबंधों का परिचयDownload 

 Psychology: BAG Courses (English)

BPCC-133Psychological DisordersDownload
BPCC-134Statistical Methods and Psychological ResearchDownload 


BPCC-133मनोवैज्ञानिक विकारDownload
BPCC-134सांख्यिकी विधियाँ और
मनोवैज्ञानिक शोध

Sanskrit Discipline: BAG Courses(English)

BSKC-133संस्कृत नाटक
BSKC-134संस्कृत व्याकरण

Public Administration: BAG Courses(English)

BPAC-133Administrative system at Union LevelDownload 
BPAC-134Administrative system at State and District LevelsDownload 

Hindi Medium

BPAC-133केन्द्रीय स्तर पर प्रशासनिक
BPAC-134राज्य एवं ज़िला स्तरों पर
प्रशासनिक प्रणाली

Sociology: BAG Courses(English)

BSOC-133Sociological TheoriesDownload 
BSOC-134Methods of Sociological EnquiryDownload 

Hindi Medium

BSOC-133समाजशास्त्रीय सिद्धांतDownload 
BSOC-134समाजशास्त्रीय जाँच के तरीकेDownload 

Urdu Discipline: BAG Courses


Philosophy: BAG Courses(English)

BPYC-134Western Philosophy : ModernDownload


BPYC-134पश्चिमी दर्शन: आधुनिकDownload


BESC-133Curriculum, Teaching-Learning And AssessmentDownload 
BESC-134Education as a PracticeDownload 


BESC-133पाठ्यचर्या, शिक्षण–अधिगम
तथा आकलन
BESC-134अभ्यास के रूप में शिक्षाDownload 

Why choose our IGNOU BAG 2nd Year Previous Year Question Paper Solved?

  1. Extensive Coverage: Our collection includes solved papers from various Ignou programs and courses, ensuring you have access to a wide range of study materials.
  2. Expertly Crafted Solutions: Our experienced educators have meticulously solved each question, offering clear explanations, step-by-step solutions, and valuable tips to help you grasp the concepts effectively.
  3. Exam-like Experience: Familiarize yourself with the exam format and difficulty level by practicing with our solved papers, giving you a realistic preview of what to expect on the big day.
  4. Strategic Preparation: Our solutions highlight essential topics, frequently asked questions, and important formulas, enabling you to prioritize your studies and optimize your preparation time.
  5. Track Your Progress: Measure your growth and identify areas that need improvement by comparing your answers with our solved papers. This feedback loop allows you to focus on your weaknesses and refine your study approach.

Don’t let exam anxiety and uncertainty hinder your progress. Get the ultimate advantage with our Ignou previous year paper solutions and unlock your pathway to success.

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