IGNOU MBA Banking and Finance Study Material


1st Year
Courses CodeName of CoursesClick to
 MS-1 Management Functions and BehaviorView
 MS-2 Management of Human ResourcesView
 MS-3 Economic and Social EnvironmentView
 MS-4 Accounting and Finance for ManagersView
 MS-5 Management of Machines and MaterialsView
 MS-6 Marketing for ManagersView
 MS-7 Information Systems for ManagersView
 MS-8 Quantitative Analysis for Managerial ApplicationsView
 MS-9 Managerial EconomicsView
 MS-10 Organizational Design, Development and ChangeView
 MS-11 Strategic ManagementView
 MS-422 Bank Financial ManagementView
 MS-423 Marketing of Financial ServicesView
 MS-424 International Banking ManagementView
 MS-425 Electronic Banking and IT in BanksView
 MS-44 Security Analysis and Portfolio ManagementView
 MS-45 International Financial ManagementView
 MS-46 Management of Financial ServicesView
2nd Year
Courses CodeName of CoursesClick to
 MS-100 Project Course (Equivalent to two courses)View
 MS-95 Research Methodology for Management DecisionsView

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