IGNOU MSO SOLVED ASSIGNMENT 2021-2022 DOWNLOAD PDF | Master of Arts Sociology Assignment

IGNOU MSO SOLVED ASSIGNMENT 2021-22:-This is the write place to Get IGNOU MSO Solved Assignment 2021-22. Get all IGNOU Master of Arts Sociology  MSO  Solved Assignment 2021-22 PDF solved.  All assignments are prepared by the best faculty. All questions were solved According to IGNOU Guidelines. We will help all candidates to prepare the correct assignments which they need to submit at IGNOU Study center To assist them in this, we provide complete solutions in developing these assignments.


What is the weight of these assignments?

 MSO Assignments have 30% weighted in programme so that we can’t ignore it.We have to write the best assignment solution to get higher marks in a result and it also increases our performance report in our grade card.Without assignments our course is incomplete and we must submit to complete.In assignments, we must get 40% marks for passing, and thereafter we can fill IGNOU Exam Form to appear in the TEE Examination. e.g. if the assignment total marks in 100  then we have to get at least 40 marks to pass out.



IGNOU MSO First Year Solved Assignment

Course CodeCourse NameHINDIENGLISH
MSO-001Sociological Theories and ConceptsDownloadDownload
MSO-002Research Methodologies and MethodsDownloadDownload
MSO-003Sociology of DevelopmentDownloadDownload
MSO-004Sociology in IndiaDownloadDownload

IGNOU MSO Second Year Solved Assignment

Course CodeCourse NameHINDIENGLISH
MSOE-001Sociology of EducationDownloadDownload
MSOE-002Diaspora and Transnational CommunitiesDownloadDownload
MSOE-003Sociology of ReligionDownloadDownload
MSOE-004Urban SociologyDownloadDownload
MPS-003India: Democracy and DevelopmentDownloadDownload
MPA-016Decentralization and Local GovernanceDownloadDownload

Submission Of Solved Assignment

You need to submit all the assignments within the stipulated time for being eligible to appear in the term-end examination. The completed assignments should be submitted as per the following schedule.

SessionLast Date of SubmissionTo be Sents36
For July 2021 Session For January 2022 SessionMarch 31, 2022
September 30, 2022
To the Coordinator of the Study Centre allotted to you
Date will be extended according to ignou notice



What are these assignments?

The assignment is very important in IGNOU University we can’t pass only by giving the exam we have to submit the assignment because the assignment takes 30% weightage in the Final Examination.

How can we check our assignment status?

Visit this link of IGNOU Official Website for Assignment Status –


  • For Assignment/ Project/ Practical Submission Status Checking, Enter Enrollment No. (9 Digit)*.
  • Enter the Programme Code
  • Hit Submit Button and our Status will open up.

Can we submit assignments late?

No, we can’t submit IGNOU assignments late. The Late fee is not for Late Submission of Assignments Actually, there’s NO Fee at all to submit the signed Assignments.

Hence, if we don’t want to submit a late fee, then either submit the assignment and examination form before or on March 31st or September 30.

How can we get good marks in IGNOU MGPS assignments?

To get good marks in IGNOU assignments we should follow the following methods:

(a) The matter (answers) should be ours.

(b) We should not copy the answer to each and every question from the internet or our study material.

(c) We have to write answers in our language while writing assignments.

(d) The more we show our efforts in writing, the more we will be noticed while checking the assignments.

(e) The presentation matters.

(f) The pages of our work should be properly attached inside a file.

(g) All answers should be written in good handwriting.

(h) Proper indentation must be used.

(i) Each and every answer should be properly numbered.

(j) Only white A4 sheets should be used while writing answers.

(k) A copy of printed assignments should be attached at the starting of the file along with the assignment code for further reference.

Is it Compulsory to submit assignments?

Yes, every IGNOU students have to write and submit assignments to SC before the due date. If any student failed to submit then he/she cannot attend the Term End Exam conducted by IGNOU University.IGNOU MSO SOLVED ASSIGNMENT 2021-22 free download pdf We can also get bits of help from IGNOU Solved Assignments to prepare the best assignment sheet for submitting to the center.

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