IGNOU MFN-04 Study Material

MFN-04 Advance Nutrition
Unit-1Understanding NutritionDownload
Unit-2Human Energy RequirementsDownload
Unit-7Fat-Soluble Vitamins: Vitamin A,D,E and KDownload
Unit-8Water-Soluble Vitamins: B Complex Vitamins & Vitamin CDownload
Unit-9Minerals(Macro Minerals): Calcium, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Sodium, Potassium, ChlorideDownload
Unit-10Minerals(Macro Minerals): Iron, Zinc, Copper, Selenium, Chromium, Maganese, Iodine and FlourineDownload
Unit-11Food Components other than Essential NutrientsDownload
Unit-12Menu PlanningDownload
Unit-13Pregnant and Lactating MothersDownload
Unit-14Infants and Preschool ChildrenDownload
Unit-15Older Children and AdolescentsDownload
Unit-16The ElderlyDownload
Unit-17Sports NutritionDownload
Unit-18Nutritional Requirements for Special ConditionsDownload
Unit-19Nutritional Regulation of Gene ExpressionDownload

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